Nanao MS9-29

Nanao (1994)

A 29" monitor featured in many machines, including the Sega New Astro City and Taito Egret II, in addition to many dedicated machines.

The biggest feature this monitor has over the MS8-29 is a unified Contrast adjustment, which adjusts gain of all three channels in unity. In addition, changing gain will not offset the bias level, so color tracking is not distorted in proportion to the bias levels.

This monitor supports 15KHz and 24Khz horizontal refresh rates.

B+ Voltage

The main DC supply voltage, B+, can be checked using the TP2 test point. It is located in the center of the PCB, in the corner of the "U" shaped side of the heatsink next to the empty inductor location L505.

The correct B+ voltages are:

Factory Bodges

'Rev. D "05A00585D1'

🔗Known Games

No known games for this hardware.

🔗Known Parts

🔗Images and Diagrams

Block Diagram

Troubleshooting Flowchart


🔗Repair Manuals

🔗Repair Tips

🔗 Pincushion and horizontal width adjustments do not work

Test or replace the transistor at Q508, which is a 2SD1944.

🔗 "Dead"

If it's dead, and the fuse at F901 is good, then your problem lies in the primary power supply. It may be a defective MOSFET at Q901, or the driving circuit is not working. A lack of feedback from the secondary side may also be a factor.

If Q901 has a silicone insulator around it, it is a Toshiba 2SK1531. Otherwise, it is a K1723. It is likely either part works fine. Be mindful of insulation when replacing, as the heatsink is grounded (and is safe to touch).

🔗 Chirps after shutting down.

If a monitor is dead, or has shut off, you may hear a chirp minutes after removing power from the chassis. When the chassis enters protection, a capacitor is charged that maintains the "disabled" state. Over the course of a few minutes, this capacitor discharges, allowing the monitor to try to power up once more. This "chirp" is the sound of the chassis attempting to start up once more with what little energy remains in the filter capacitor.

🔗 Poor horizontal linearity

Horizontal S correction is provided by a switchable set of S-capacitors. A jumper labeled "E" connects to either CN507 ("Normal") or CN505 ("Wide"). This jumper connects or disconnects C531.

🔗 Horizontal blurriness, or trailing RGB lines

If a recap and adjustment of the focus knob on the LOPT doesn't make the image sharp, and you're sure it isn't the tube's condition, the video amp at U201 may need to be replaced. This is an M51387P. If the G2 control on the LOPT ("screen") is too low, and your bias controls are too high, you may have a limited white peak coming from the video amplifier, and should recalibrate the colors.

🔗 MS9 shotgun chip repair list

Replacing these chips might be a good move in desperation if a solution has not presented itself.

  • Power MOSFET: either 2SK1531 in silicone sleeve or 2SK1723 with mica insulator @ Q901
  • HOT: 2SC4692 @ Q506
  • Diode: ESC021 @ D502
  • Width / pincushion amp: 2SD1944 @ Q508
  • 12V supply for RGB amp, etc: LM7812 @ U951
  • RGB Amp: M51387P @ U201
  • H-size IC: AN5551 @ U450
  • Synchronization IC: LA7853 @ U550
  • Vertical deflection IC: LA7838 @ U401

🔗 Heater Circuit and resistor

The heater resistor limits current going to the heater filament, which is on pins 9 and 10. As the filament can also be modeled as a resistor, the polarity is unimportant, and DC or AC voltage may be used. As the name suggests, it heats up.

Like many tubes, the A68KJU96X is designed to have a heater voltage of 6.3V. This voltage is a function of the resistance of the heater filament as well as the current-limiting resistor.

The heater resistor for the MS9-29 is located at R532, and is tucked between the LOPT (Flyback) and the heatsink.

On the MS9-29N22, MS9-29T, and other submodels that are intended for use with the A68KJU96X tube, the heater resistor is a 3.3 ohm resistor.

🔗 Capacitor List

If a chassis has never been serviced, it would be wise to replace all of the electrolytic capacitors. The following list is adapted from ArcadeOtaku.

C102 1uf 50v

C107 22uf 50v

C201 47uf 16v

C202 47uf 16v

C203 47uf 16v

C211 2.2uf 50v

C212 2.2uf 50v

C213 2.2uf 50v

C220 470uf 16v

C221 100uf 16v

C222 22uf 50v

C280 10uf 16v (remote board)

C332 10uf 250v (neck board)

C402 470uf 16v

C406 1000uf 35v

C407 100uf 35v

C408 100uf 35v

C409 100uf 35v

C411 2.2uf 50v (bi polar cap)

C451 22uf 50v

C455 10uf 50v

C456 10uf 50v

C457 10uf 50v

C458 22uf 50v

C459 22uf 50v

C503 100uf 35v

C513 10uf 250v

C515 100uf 160v

C554 1uf 50v

C556 1uf 50v

C561 47uf 16v

C562 100uf 10v

C951 180uf 100v

C952 220uf 100v

C953 47uf 160v

C954 680uf 35v

C955 180uf 25v

C956 680uf 10v

C957 10uf 35v

C958 47uf 16v

C911 1000uf 200v

C101 1uf 50v