CV1000 is Cave's last dedicated JAMMA hardware platform. It features an SH3 CPU, a CyClone EP1C12 FPGA acting as a framebuffer, and a YMZ770C audio decoder for streaming compressed audio.
The large electrolytic capacitor in the top-left corner has been seen leaking, causing minor corrosion. Unless it has been left unattended for a long time, repair of the corrosion should be very easy,.The capacitor is located at C901, and is rated for 2200uF at 25v.
If the CPU is stuck with the LED at D6 lit, pulsing every second or so to a slightly darker color, ensure that the SH3 RTC crystal at X2 is intact and oscillating. It is a 32.768KHz crystal. This is not to be confused with the RTC-EEPROM at U10, which has its own internal crystal.