I couldn't find a capacitor list or a kit on line to do a swap, so I got the list of capacitors myself. They are as follows (aluminum electrolytic capacitors and polarized unless noted):
- 4x 16V 10uF - C401, C402, C403, C58
- 1x 16V 22uF - C79
- 1x 16V 22uF bipolar - C92
- 1x 16V 33uF - C22
- 1x 16V 47uF - C69
- 3x 16V 100uF - C6, C11, C75
- 1x 16V 220uF - ?
- 3x 16V 470uF - C51, C45, C15
- 1x 16V 1000uF - C70
- 1x 25V 1000uF - C71
- 4x 35V 4.7uF - C57, C37, C36, C40
- 1x 35V 4.7uF bipolar - C60
- 2x 35V 47uF - C90, C68
- 2x 35V 100uF - C96, C98
- 2x 35V 1000uF - C83, C8
- 5x 50V 1uF - C102, C106, C108, C63, C43
- 2x 50V 2.2uF bipolar - C93, C94
- 1x 50V 4.7uF bipolar - C23
- 1x 50V 10uF - C12
- 1x 100V 47uF - C67
- 1x 160V 47uF - C84
- 1x 160V 470uF - C5
- 1x 180V 680uF - C73
- 2x 250V 22uF - C30, C404
- 1x 250V 100uF - C19
Note 1: Tthis includes a capacitor on the sub board that sometimes isn't present.Note 2: I've added cap location based on my revision which didn't have the 16V 220uF on the sub-board. However, two caps aren't listed here, mounted on a small PCB over a transistor on the right of the flyback metal shield